Saturday, August 20, 2016

WEB 4.0

WEB 4.0

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  • Definition: 
Web 4.0 is still an underground idea in progress and there is no exact definition of how it would be. Web 4.0 is also known as symbiotic web. The dream behind of the symbiotic web isinteraction between humans and machines in symbiosis. It will be possible to build more powerful interfaces such as mind controlled interfaces using web 4.0. In simple words, machines would be clever on reading the contents of the web, and react in the form of executing and deciding what to execute first to load the websites fast with superior quality and performance and build more commanding interfaces. 

  • Characteristics: 
- Using special glasses.
-We can talk naturally and online with an intelligent virtual agent.
-Internet: It is accessed by means of a "device, thin, lightweight, portable and with very high resolution." 
-Integrated in the vehicles.
-There will be neuroimplants with direct access to the Net. 
-Computers have great processing power 1016 calculations per second. 

Future of Technology: Web 4.0

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